I feel as though my life has been flipped on its head. My role as a healer is getting turned inside out with each passing day. For the past seven years I’ve studied the spine and the physical body with passion and hunger to understand the root cause of these issues that plague us. As I pulled back the layers of my own practice and psyche, it became apparent to me that although these issues were manifesting in the physical plane, their causes were stemming from a much deeper misalignment of spirit. This curiosity has taken me around the world uncovering truths about myself and my relationship to Earth and my students. I started to ask the question of how energetic misalignments may be affecting our Well-Being in our physical body. There has been tons of research done by Medical Intuitives, (like the brilliant Caroline Myss) on this topic, but I needed to know what that meant for my own path. Into the deep end I went!
This past month I’ve had the great pleasure of visiting Glastonbury, England on a sacred pilgrimage. Glastonbury is known as the heart chakra of the world. It is a place shrouded in myth and legend, from King Arthur, Morgaine le Fay, and the Holy Grail, to the Christian disciple Joseph of Arimathea, the land itself seems to radiate significance. It’s not difficult to see why people of all different religions and spiritual lineages gravitate to Glastonbury. The air is ripe with magic.
Perhaps the most famous of all sites is the Glastonbury Tor topped by the Church of St Michael. No one can tell you exactly what the original intention of this powerful hill is that overlooks all of the lands, but its presence is never far from you. What I found most interesting when walking the lands was that although there have been man-made structures erected throughout the centuries, the power lies in the actual earth itself. Each step I took I felt that my feet were walking on Holy ground. The Mary Magdalene and Michael ley lines weave within the earth like a powerful crossroads representing both masculine and feminine energies. “Ley lines are not lines we can actually see on a map. But the theory is that big, important monuments (think Stonehenge and the Pyramids of Giza) are all running on a kind of energy highway that "connects" them.”
You’ll often find these ley lines where significant spiritual sites have been erected. Their builders may or may not have been consciously aware of these energetic patterns that the earth holds, but in Glastonbury I needed to keep my gravity boots on because they felt so potent.
I had a similar experience working with a Peruvian Shaman in 2014. The moment I stepped into the Sacred Valley, I was transported back to an ancient part of myself. It felt as if I was waking up from a deep sleep. Being able to walk the sacred lands began to stir a remembering within me that has not left. While walking in Glastonbury, I finally got the answers to what this remembering had been.
Humans are, and have always been, an extension of Mother Earth. Thousands of years ago, we were completely in sync with her cycles. Every moment was in reverence to her, honoring her for providing us with everything that we need. She is the mother of all of our mothers and grandmothers. Our bodies are made of her elements. Our bones are of the earth, the blood in our veins is the water, the fire element lies in our passions and desires, the wind is in our lungs, and our spirit represents ether. What our ancestors have left for us in the Egyptian pyramids, Machu Picchu, the Ancient Living Stone circles at Stonehenge or Avebury (the list goes on and on!) are ways for us to reconnect to this universal truth. To see how closely in communion, we used to live with the great Mother. What I recognized waking up in myself was a deep grief, realizing that we have severed ourselves from her, and how far we have strayed from the sacred connection we once had.
Like that deep, unyielding love that only a parent can know, the Earth still supports us no matter how we treat her. We live on her, build on her, poison her, rape her, and yet she still holds us to her in the hug of gravity. The second realization that I had was that this disconnect that has happened is the root of all suffering. Our human race is connected through her. She as “Mother” is the basis for all of us being brothers and sisters. So, if we have forgotten our own Mother, then how will it ever be possible for us to see that we are all One?
This great remembering that I’ve had has begun to shift everything that I know as a Healer. Through my work in this lifetime, I have helped people find relief from suffering by helping them align themselves through the physical body. In that process, through Yoga, we are also affecting the energy bodies by working with the meridians. Whether or not you are aware of this movement, Prana/Chi/Life force, is moved through these meridians each time you practice, removing stagnate energy and allowing more freedom in your sacred vessel. As a Shamanic practitioner, this movement of energy has always been very apparent to me visually, but it has never been something that I’ve openly spoken about to my students because everyone has a different entry point to “aligning” themselves. Some are able to use visualization, meditation, Reiki, spending time in nature, singing, dancing, journaling, or my new favorite, Tea Ceremony. I’ll have to write an entire blog about that experience! My point is that whatever your means, finding a connection to your true essence can come in INFINITE forms, but what’s most important is that you connect every day. Whether that’s through your physical practice or spending time sitting on the earth, we need to keep this channel to the Mother open so that we can receive her support in our lives.
I’m excited to say that I’m going back to Glastonbury for a training program to keep downloading all of this ancient wisdom, and integrate it into my life back in the states. Yoga, sound healing, sacred ritual, tea ceremony, energy extractions are some of the many tools I’ll begin to offer as a Shaman. It feels very freeing to be able to write about my true heart’s calling. Guiding you back to your true source vibration in whatever medium calls to you, and helping facilitate this sacred remembering. Clearing the blockages that hold each of us back, and bringing the shadow to light. Thank you for taking this journey inwards with me. As I move more deeply into this transformative process, shedding everything that isn’t soul, I am honored to share these sacred offerings with you all.
Blessed Be!
Here you will find a delicious recipe for Homemade Gulkand, a Traditional Indian Rose Petal Preserve made with fresh Rose Petals.