February 01, 2021
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To honor the turn of our Seasonal Wheel toward Imbolc and Goddess Brigit, she who is mistress of the forge, triple Goddess, and keeper of the flame of transformation, here are five ways to celebrate this auspicious time of year!
🕯 Light a Candle in Brigit’s name and ask her to quicken the flame of your spirit. Ask for her guidance on any creative projects you wish to seed, and watch them grow with the coming light!
🕯 Learn about Brigit’s folklore and stories. The Goddess Brigit (also adapted into St. Brigit in the Catholic faith) has many mystical stories around bringing healing and prosperity to her community. I see her as a universal Goddess of peace, whose traditions go back to time immemorial!
Offer libations of Milk to the land. As a way to thank and bless the lands that hold you your, send your deepest gratitude into a cup of milk, and pour it on the Earth where you live. Ask Brigit to bring her healing touch to the land and our communities.
Do something creative! Brigit brings us the spark of inspiration at Imbolc time. Dedicate some time to creative projects. Let her inspire you to write a poem, dance, sing, draw...whatever you’re called to do! Let that creative energy
Have an Imbolc fire ceremony. Let yourself release all that is no longer needed by creating a sacred fire. This could be in your hearthfire, a contained fire-safe bowl, or if you're inclined to the cold, a bonfire! Write down what you wish to release on paper, or infuse your wishes into sticks, herbs etc...and toss them into the flames! Continue to release all that is holding you back from expanding into your true soul’s expression.
A Bright and Blessed Imbolc to you and your loved ones!
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Lilian Evans
February 02, 2021
I am grateful to be participating in all of this and learning and be blessed for it.